dr. mariana catalano.

an independent rp blog for ㅤ*mariana catalano*
, an original character for grey’s anatomy, ㅤwritten by ㅤbee.
code of conduct
ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : ㅤi'm an adult with a full time, forty hours per week, job. work can get crazy and sometimes, replies may shrink in length or stop all together for a short time. i'll let you know before this happens.02.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤcommunicationㅤ : ㅤi am autistic and have trouble picking up on social cues. tell me what you want/need to tell me in black and white. don’t sugar coat it, please!03.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤtriggersㅤ : ㅤplease be mindful of my triggers. while it takes a lot to trigger me, things that can trigger me are mentions of domestic violence and alcohol abuse. i’d prefer if these were either kept to a minimum, vaguely referenced to as a 'fade to black' situation, or excluded from our writing as a whole. i will not be writing these.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤliteracyㅤ : ㅤi am a literate, multi-paragraph writer, and i do my best to match the reply length of my writing partners. however, i will not match the length of a one liner.05.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤcommunication, pt. 2ㅤ : ㅤif you are no longer interested in a storyline we’re doing, please tell me before you close our dms/leave the server we’re writing in. i won’t be upset! i just wanna know what’s going on.06.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤsubjectㅤ : ㅤmaecenas vitae mi at mauris faucibus ullamcorper non a lorem. donec iaculis tortor at odio facilisis volutpat. aliquam venenatis nisl a consectetur tempus. fusce felis orci, auctor at tortor ut, pellentesque auctor erat. nam eget metus at dui ullamcorper porta ac eget tellus. pellentesque molestie sit amet nunc ac luctus. nunc pulvinar, magna a porta elementum, justo mi vulputate elit, in porta mi purus id nulla. cras eget ex nibh.
introducing. . .

❝ hearts are breakable, and i think even when you heal, you're never what you were before. ❞
ㅤname.ㅤ ㅤmariana elena catalano
ㅤage.ㅤ ㅤtwenty nine
ㅤgender.ㅤ ㅤfemale
sexuality.ㅤ openly bisexual
occupation.ㅤ obgyn resident at grey-sloan memorial hospital
alma mater.ㅤ johns hopkins university
mbti.ㅤ ㅤestp, the entrepreneur
moral alignment.ㅤ ㅤtrue neutral
ㅤresidence.ㅤ ㅤseattle, washington
ㅤhometown.ㅤ ㅤstowe, vermont
ㅤmedical conditions.ㅤ ㅤptsd, generalized anxiety disorder, substance abuse issues
ㅤparents.ㅤ ㅤmaria aguilar (mother) and francesco catalano (father)
ㅤsiblings.ㅤ ㅤluca and santiago catalano (both younger brothers)
significant other. preston rhodes (former husband, deceased)
ㅤpets.ㅤ ㅤblack cat named salem
trigger warnings: domestic/spousal abuse, manipulation, and homicide.from very early on in her life, mariana always knew she was destined for greatness. as the firstborn child and only daughter to wealthy italian immigrant francesco catalano, and mexican immigrant maria aguilar, she had always been placed upon a pedastal. she always knew that her parents expected more from her than they did her younger brothers, luca and santiago. she waas given the very best of everything, from the best education, to the most expensive clothing. appearances meant everything to the catalano family.the catalano family was an unconventional one. before mariana waas even born, they were known for their eccentric ways. for lack of a better term, the catalano family were hippies. they raised all three of their children, especially their only daughter, to be loving and free-spirited, offering help to anyone who needed it. this also meant that mariana was raised without gender or sexuality barriers. she was free to identify as whatever she felt comfortable with, and she was free to love who she wanted, regardless of their gender. mariana has always been open about her bisexuality from the moment she discovered it for herself. she loves who she loves, and she won't let anyone tell her that her path is wrong, just because it's different.while mariana was in medical school at johns hopkins university, she met and fell head over heels in love with another medical student named preston rhodes. after only a few months of knowing each other, and an even shorter dating period, the two eloped in vegas. however, the honeymoon period didn't last for long, and preston began showing his true colors to his wife just shortly after their honeymoon. mariana's activities were restricted almost immediately, and she was only allowed to travel back and forth from their shared condo to attend school. she couldn't have any friends, especially male friends, and she certainly wasn't allowed to party.mariana put up with her husband's behavior, for the simple fact that she loved him. since this was her first relationship, she very naively thought that this was how a marriage was supposed to go. she was prepared to let it go, when the abuse started. she put up with that for a long time, before she'd finally had enough. after five years of hell on earth, mariana ended her husband's life. his body was never recovered.following the death of her husband, mariana graduated from johns hopkins at the top of her class, and for the past five years, she has been content with her life, sitting comfortably in her residency at grey-sloan memorial hospital.
AESTHETIC :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ pinterest boardMUSIC :ㅤ ㅤspotify playlist
mains & exclusives
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ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.